
Gemstone Legal
5 min read
Our view on the latest SRA update, "Interest rates and the client account", What's yours?
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)'s recent article, Interest rates and the client account, discusses interest rates and the...

Paul McCluskey
8 min read
Your Client Interest Policy - Is it fair?
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) met recently and voted to increase the Bank of England bank rate for the 12th consecutive time. With...

Paul McCluskey
4 min read
Method in the madness of law firm finance
Albert Einstein, the famous theoretical physicist, is attributed to saying, “the definition of insanity is " doing the same thing over...

Paul McCluskey
2 min read
FINANCIAL BENCHMARKING SCORECARD - What Good Financial Performance Really Looks Like
Sound financial management must be the beating heart of any legal practice. Law firm leaders should complete a regular benchmarking...

Paul McCluskey
4 min read
Financial Health To Kickstart A New Year
For many people, the practice of making New Year resolutions is something that is attempted and failed within a few weeks of a new year. ...

Paul McCluskey
3 min read
8 Ways to Meet Your Lexcel Commitments
Law firms face an unprecedented challenge brought about by the COVID-19 crisis. With a prolonged period of ‘lock-down’ and social...

Paul McCluskey
2 min read
Residual Balances – no longer an unavoidable problem
A long standing cause for action within law firms is the ability to effectively deal with Residual Client Balances. Whether these have...